This Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust and
cost effective Field Stop II Trench construction, and provides superior performance in demanding switching applications, offering both low on state voltage and minimal switching loss. In addition, this new device is packaged in a TO-247-4L, package that provides significant reduction in Eon Losses compared to standard TO-247-3L package. The IGBT is well suited for UPS and solar applications. Incorporated into the device is a soft and fast co?packaged free wheeling diode with a low forward voltage.
? TO-247-4L
? Minimal Eon Losses
? Extremely Efficient Trench with Field Stop Technology
? TJmax = 175°C
? Improved Gate Control Lowers Switching Losses
? Separate Emitter Drive Pin
? Optimized for High Speed Switching
? These are Pb-Free Devices
? Solar Inverter? Uninterruptible Power Inverter Supplies (UPS)? Neutral Point Clamp Topology
? Industrial